Now that Newgrounds has multi-image support, I have decided to reupload my entire Chuck's Devils comic (all 300+ pages so far). This should make it much easier to read through each episode. Please check out the Chuck's Devils Playlist to try out the new and improved format.
This is also a great opportunity to catch up if you're a newcomer to the series. A lot has happened in the five years I've been working on this comic. Candace, Lily, and Yu-Ri have gone from dysfunctional strangers, to best friends, and even more than friends in the case of the latter two. There's also a series trailer and Part One recap to help bring you up to speed:
I'll be adding five episodes each day until October 2nd, when a new episode (#35) will be included. Part Three of Chuck's Devils has nearly wrapped up, with only a dozen episodes left after that. Hopefully I can finish the whole thing by the end of 2024. I hope you'll follow along to see the conclusion! :)